Fermented Foods

//Fermented Foods


Kimchi is a spicy, sour and delicious way to enjoy fermented foods.
By |June 15th, 2016|Fermented Foods, Recipes|0 Comments

Fermented Salsa

This fermented salsa recipe will have you loving salsa even more than you already do!

Basic Sourdough Bread

Whether you are a new-be or an expert sourdough bread maker, this simple, fail-proof basic sourdough recipe is amazing.
By |September 14th, 2015|Fermented Foods, Recipes|0 Comments

Fermented Beet Salad

This amazing recipe will have you eating copious amounts of beets with the nutrient benefits switched on high. Your liver will thank-you.
By |September 14th, 2015|Fermented Foods, Recipes|0 Comments

Flavoured Kefir Water

Everyone loves water kefir for all the wonderful things it contains. You'll love it even more once it's flavored and taste like juice!
By |July 30th, 2015|Fermented Foods, Recipes|0 Comments

Sourdough Cinnamon Buns

A wonderful, "almost" healthy variation to the traditional cinnamon bun that the entire family will love!
By |July 31st, 2012|Fermented Foods, Recipes, Something Sweet|0 Comments