Who loves water kefir?

I DO! I enjoy a glass of water kefir with dinner almost every night. It’s my delicious, fizzy little evening treat that helps me chill and unwind and its full of probiotics which keep my immune system pumping at the levels it needs to keep me on my game.

The kids refer to it as “power juice” and ask for it daily which keeps the boogers at bay – and my sanity in check because healthy kids = happy mum!

Here is a list of our favourite flavourings…

Water Kefir Lemonade

  • make water kefir and remove the kefir grains.
  • add ¼ cup lemon juice to each quart of water kefir.
  • add a few raspberries for an optional twist
  • seal in airtight container for 24-48 hours.
  • chill and serve!

Orange Zest Water Kefir

  • make water kefir and remove the kefir grains.
  • add several strips of organic orange zest (not the juice)
  • cultre in airtight container for 24-48 hours
  • strain, chill and serve!

Cream Soda Water Kefir

  • make water kefir and remove the kefir grains.
  • 2-3 teaspoons vanilla extract per quart of water kefir.
  • culture in airtight container for 24-48 hours.
  • chill and serve!

Blueberry-Pomegranate Water Kefir

  • make water kefir and remove the kefir grains.
  • add ½ cup blueberry-pomegranate juice per quart of water kefir.
  • culture in airtight container for 24-48 hours.
  • chill and serve!

Raspberry Juice Water Kefir

  • add kefir grains to 1-2 quarts of organic raspberry juice and culture for 24-48 hours.
  • strain and remove grains
  • serve flat or for culture another 24-48 hours in airtight container to make it fizzy
  • chill and serve!

Berry Mint Mojito

  • water kefir and remove the kefir grains.
  • add a few fresh strawberries or raspberries and a couple mint leaves and the juice of half a lime.
  • culture in airtight container for 24-48 hours.
  • strain, chill and serve!

Grape or Apple Juice Water Kefir

  • add kefir grains to 1-2 quarts of organic grape or apple juice and culture for 24-48 hours.
  • strain and remove kefir grains
  • serve flat or for added fizz culture another 24-48 hours in airtight container to make it fizzy
  • chill and serve!

Coconut Water Kefir

  • add water kefir grains to 1-2 quarts coconut water. (raw cold pressed or straight from young Thai Coconuts is best)
  • strain and remove kefir grains
  • serve flat or for added fizz culture another 24-48 hours in airtight container
  • Refresh the grains in a batch of sugar water after making coconut water kefir, to keep them healthy.

Watermelon Rosemary Water Kefir

  • water kefir and remove the kefir grains.
  • add a cup of fresh watermelon chunks and some fresh rosemary
  • culture in airtight container for 24 hours.
  • strain, chill and serve!

Cucumber Mint Water Kefir

  • water kefir and remove the kefir grains.
  • add sliced cucumber and a couple mint leaves
  • culture in airtight container for 24 hours.

strain, chill and serve!

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